System Overview

We are excited to introduce you to Tuteeline ( student application system), and ( university application management system) an innovative platform designed to revolutionize student admissions application on a global scale. As the Management in your organization, we believe you'll find immense value in joining our platform.

In the current educational landscape, students are actively seeking institutions that offer quality education at a lower cost, along with various other benefits. Nepal, with its potential as a lucrative destination for international students, stands to gain significantly from this trend. We understand the challenges universities and colleges face in attracting students worldwide, and Tuteeline is here to bridge the gap.

Tuteeline is an integrated platform that brings together universities, colleges, industries, and career counselors to connect with prospective students. Our goal is to make the student recruitment process seamless, efficient, and transparent. We are reaching out to you with a vision of collective growth, dedication, and optimism.

Many Nepalese students are choosing to pursue their education abroad. We recognize the reasons behind this trend and are committed to addressing some key issues that impact student recruitment in Nepal. From transparent pricing and scholarship information to course outcomes and job security, we aim to provide solutions through collaboration. Our platform focuses on guiding students through the admission process, right from branding to final admission. Notably, we have already registered around 20,000 prospective students and this number continues to grow. Thank you.

How It Works

Student College and University
Students develop master application University/college Receive application
Apply to university admission/job/internship can forward to departments or colleges
Generate entrance ID if necessary process and comments by dept. or college
Get acceptance/rejection letter for admission College send acceptance letter with fees
student can collaborate in any project globally College send admission confirmation
opportunities to brand their institution globally university/college can integrate to MIS


How To Register

To join Tuteeline and take advantage of our services, follow these simple steps:

Ensure you have the following documents:

a. Tax clearance or a stamped and signed request letter from chairman/Principal to Tuteeline admin (including contact details).

b. Scan copy of the staff ID card of the admin registering on the system.

c. Visit ( admission procedure system)

d. Register your email and enter the OTP sent to your email.

e. Follow the prompts to register your institution.

If your institution is already registered with Tuteeline, follow the verification process for approval. Within 24 hours, you'll receive login credentials via email.

Platform Features

a. Student Recruitment complete process

b. Collaborate and work with independent Counselors and consultancies

c. Global Networking

d. Research Collaboration

e. Branding Academic Programs

f. Effective Marketing Tools

Benefits for Universities/Colleges:

a. You'll see cool insights about what students want and where they're from.

b. We'll help you make admitting students easier with a smooth process.

c. You can talk easily with your team and even students outside your school.

d. If you have friends who want to help your school, you can manage them too.

e. If you want students from other places to know about your school, we've got plans for that.

f. We're also thinking about future partnerships and events, and you'll be in the loop.

Special Offers for 2023/024

a. Enjoy free subscriptions for 2023 and 2024 with the Basic and Standard plans, along with unlimited users. This ensures your continued accessibility to our platform even if Tuteeline introduces subscription fees, while your access level remains as basic.

b. Participate in our annual free coupon draw for a chance to avail a complimentary subscription. Every year, 20% of institutions will be selected for this opportunity.

Tuteeline is your partner for success in student admissions. We look forward to welcoming you aboard and supporting your institution's growth.